What We Do
Abhyangam is a traditional Ayurvedic massage on head and body using different types of medicated oils according to the diseases & body constitution. This massage is indicated daily to prevent ageing and degeneration. Its rhythmic motion helps to relieve joints and muscles from stiffness, improves the flexibility of joints and increase blood circulation. This is highly beneficial in enhancing the natural beauty & texture of the skin, prevention & relief from the rheumatic disorders, anxiety, fatigue, body ache and improves the quality and span of life. This is done as single treatment or along with major treatment.
Pizhichil is one of the popular rejuvenation processes in Kerala. Here cloth dipped in lukewarm medicated oil is squeezed over the patient’s body uniformly and then the oil rubbed smoothly over the body of the patient by masseurs on either side. Pizhichil protects the body from illness and builds up immunity for a healthy life. This is very useful in paralysis, arthritis, sexual weakness, neurological problems, blood pressure, musculoskeletal disorders, general weakness and also helps to arrest the ageing process
Medicated oils, milk or butter milk poured in a steady stream onto the forehead in a specific way with a specific device . Pouring of warm oils used stimulates and soothens the hypothalamus, thereby regulating the functions of pituitary gland and inducing sleep. The warm oils used for Shirodhara also cause vasodilatation of all the channels and thereby improve the blood circulation of brain. Shirodhara also reduces the level of stress hormones such as adrenaline and nor adrenaline and thus relieves stress and strain and provides peace of mind.
This is a special technique to administer medicated oil on the head with the help of a cap made of flexible leather. Shirovasthi is used for the treatment of diseases concerned to the head, brain and neurological diseases such as migraine, chronic headache, depression and throbbing pain in head, recurring headache, cervical spondylosis and insomnia.
This is a special type of massage and fomentation done with the help of poultice full of fresh herbs. Elakizhi is effective for various kinds of arthritis, back pain, spondylitis, sciatica, soft tissue inflammations and joint pain. This therapy improves better circulation with in the affected area; induce sweating which helps the skin to eliminate wastes. It also helps thirsty.
Body massage with poultice of cooked Navara rice in herbal decoctions and milk. This helps in curing paralysis, degenerative disease & tones up the muscles.
In this process specially prepared warm medicated oil is kept over lower back with herbal paste boundary. This is good for any types of back aches & spinal disorders.
This is meant for cleansing the head region. Herbal oils, juices are applied through nose. This therapy can be given in different aspect to expel out the Doshas instantaneously from the head region by applying various medications. It nourishes the head, senses and improves intellectual functions, cures loss of voice, diseases of mouth, difficulty in opening eyes and difficulty in lifting hands by means of different types of medicated herbal oils . This is also good for conditions like skin discolouration, hair loss, eye diseases, medicated water and milk can be used for this purpose.
Steam Bath
Steam bath releaves stiffness, heaviness, cold feeling and induces sweating. It helps in maintaining the homostasis of internal environment and improves mobility alertness, vasodialation and peripheral circulation.